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HP Recommended

Good afternoon. I would like your help to try to solve a problem, it shows the warning that the standard rear door is open, but it is physically closed, I checked the door closing switch and it did not give me any activity, change the DC Controller to determine if that was the case. the problem, but the alert continues.

HP Recommended

If the switch gives no activity I would suspect the switch before the DC controller. Or the nub on the back door that presses the switch is broken.

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I am a volunteer, offering my knowledge to support fellow users, I do not work for HP nor speak for HP.

HP Recommended
How can I check if the part is broken?
HP Recommended

Use the diagnostics menu to test switches. There are 2 switches on the cartridge door and one switch on the fuser door. If you look at the fuser door you will what is basically a plastic U that pivots. As you shut the door the upper part comes into contact with the fuser and pushes the bottom half into the slot where the interlock switch is.

If you find the information provided useful or solves your problems, help other users find the solution easier by marking my post as an accepted solution. Clicking "yes" on "was this reply helpful" also increases the chances that this solution will help others.
I am a volunteer, offering my knowledge to support fellow users, I do not work for HP nor speak for HP.

HP Recommended
The rear door slot button was pressed but it does nothing, it still maintains the "door open" alert.
HP Recommended

Based on checking a similar unit in my shop I would say that just depressing the switch on the right be considered unreliable as when in test mode, closing the door triggers the flag test but just pressing in at the location on the right does not

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I am a volunteer, offering my knowledge to support fellow users, I do not work for HP nor speak for HP.

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