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I currently have the following setup:


HP Officejet Pro 8600 Premium, Windows 7 64-bit


I have searched everywhere and looking for a solution to fax pdfs and already scanned documents on my computer?


I am connecting to the All In One via my network.  The fax machine works fine if I want to add a document in the feeder/glass, but that would require me to physically be in front of the HP Officejet 8600.


I want to Send a Fax from my laptop in another room and somehow attach it to the Send Fax dialogue without having to print the document out and then send it back through the document feeder or scanner glass.


Can someone help me out? I am going nuts trying to figure this out.


Thanks in advance!



UPDATE:  I figured it out.  Just needed to make sure that I had the "HP 8600 FAX" driver from the CD installed. Opened the PDF that I wanted to fax, then selected PRINT , and selected the 8600 FAX as the printer.  The standard fax dialogue box will then popup asking for the phone number, fax cover sheet, etc.  Hope this helps someone.


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Glad you got it figured out.  :generic:  Sorry it took so long to respond.  :Crying:

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I use a calling card to make long distance calls.  When I had the officejet 8500 I was able to the 1800#, followed by my 15 digit pin and then the number I'm dailing.  Wih the 8600 I purchased today that field is now limited.  Is there away to change it?  If not this new high speed printer does not do me any good.  Please let me know my options.



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I'm sorry, but there is no way to increase the character limit for the fax number.  It shouldn't be so low as to prevent you from being able to dail the full number.  I test an 8600 that we have in the office, and it let me enter in well over 30 characters.  The only reason I can think of that yours would have a character limit is that the firmware might be out of date.  I would also suggest that you add the calling card number to your speed dial list so you don't have to type it each time.  I'll provide the instructions to setup speed dial, and a link to the instructions to update the firmware below.


HP Officejet Pro 8600 (N911), Officejet 6600 (H711) and Officejet 6700 Premium (H711) e-All-in-One P...


Set up and change speed-dial entries (Note: these steps came straight from the User Guide.)
You can store fax numbers as speed-dial entries.
To set up speed-dial entries
1. On the printer’s control panel, touch (right arrow), and then touch Setup.
2. Touch Fax Setup, and then select Speed Dial Setup.
3. Touch Add/Edit Speed Dial, and then touch an unused entry number.
4. Type the fax number, and then touch Next.
NOTE: Be sure to include any pauses or other required numbers, such as an
area code, an access code for numbers outside a PBX system (usually a 9 or
0), or a long-distance prefix.
5. Type the name for the speed-dial entry, and then touch Done.
To change speed-dial entries
1. On the printer’s control panel, touch (right arrow), and then touch Setup.
2. Touch Fax Setup, and then select Speed Dial Setup.
3. Touch Add/Edit Speed Dial, and then touch the speed-dial entry you want to
4. If you want to change the fax number, type the new number, and then touch Next.
NOTE: Be sure to include any pauses or other required numbers, such as an
area code, an access code for numbers outside a PBX system (usually a 9 or
0), or a long-distance prefix.
5. If you want to change the name of the speed-dial entry, type the new name, and
then touch Done.

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How do you install the 8600 fax driver?  My Windows 7 apps cannot see the 8600 fax.  I have the 8600 installation CD.  I have run the 8600 CD installation.  I can see the fax drivers on the CD - but, I cannot figure out how to install the 8600 fax drivers in Windows 7. 


If in a Windows 7 app I do:



select printer: fax

the Windows 7 fax setup dialog box comes up, but the HP 8600 fax does not show up


I've looked at the HP 8600 CD.  I see the drivers... but, there is no way to install them.


The HP 8600 can send a fax using the local 8600 console. 


Also, the HP 8600 can scan to my PC using a Windows 7 app (e.g. Windows Paint).





I had to delete all of the software and drivers off my PC, reboot and re-install.

For some reason the out of date drivers from the CD (v.24.2.0) couldn't be updated without

manualy deleting them first.


I don't know how the installation became corrupted.




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I have a hp 8600 all in one device and i have a wireless router and a few laptops and no house phone. Is there any way to connect a fax setup still via our internet router or through our cell phones??

HP Recommended

Hi ,

I am having the same problem. I deleted all HP printer software and rebooted the machine and did a clean install I still have the same problem.

The "HP 8600 fax" never shows up in the list of available "devices and printers".

Please provide instructions on how to get this done.

Thank you

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@KrystalBella  I'm sorry, but no.


@gurubaba What OS are you using?  Do you have the full feature software installed?

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I see some fax drivers files in the CD that came with the printer. Those drivers may or may not be the one you talked about in the post where you installed them and successsfully sent a fax from pdf.  I can't see any way of installing any fax drivers, because when I insert the cd, I do not get any option for adding new software, just for connecting new printers.


I still can't fax from a pdf.

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I've figured it out. Very simple. The command to print to fax is in the printer dialog, not in the dedicated HP software on the start menu. 

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