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ink orange light keeping flash(both in black and colors), buttons(black and green) with number: "E" beside, can't copying in black, can't scan neither..


thank you for your answers asap!

HP Recommended

Hello @Claudiazh1,

Welcome to the HP Support Forums!

I would like to assist you today with resolving the blinking light error state that you're seeing on the front panel of your HP Deskjet F4180 All-in-One Printer. Usually the blinking cartridge lights indicate an issue with the cartridge door or an issue with one or both cartridges. The "E" that you're also seeing is an additional indication that there is an issue with the Deskjets hardware. However, the "E" does not affect the meaning of the blinking lights and can be ignored at this time. If you also have a blinking Resume light it can indicate that the cartridge carriage has stalled within the printer. Can I please have you follow the steps below to resolve this hardware issue.



  • If you see the following blinking light error state please follow the steps below: 

Illustration of the control panel with one or both of the Check Print Cartridge lights blinking


To resolve this cartridge access door issue or cartridge issue can I please have you click here. Once the support document opens click the dropdown for 'Issue: Once or both of the Check Print Cartridge lights blink'. Next, click the dropdown below for Solutions. Please follow the listed solutions to resolve this hardware issue.



  • If you see the following blinking light error state please follow the steps below:

Illustration of the control panel with the Resume and Check Print Cartridge lights blinking


If your printer reports the following blinking light error state, please click here to resolve this hardware failure. Once the support document opens click the dropdown for 'Issue: The Resume and Check Print Cartridge lights blink'. Next, click the dropdown for Solutions. Please follow the listed solutions to resolve this carriage issue.



Please respond to this post with the result of your troubleshooting. You may also click the 'thumbs up' icon below to say "Thanks!" for responding. I look forward to hearing from you! 🙂

I work on behalf of HP

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Thank you for reply!


I already did those steps mentioned..

I deconnected the power electrique, I checked the inside, I restarted it over and over again, it is still in "E", then i pressed the button"X" plus button"green",  and the start button blinking fast about 13-14times.. it didn't do self-test

the weird thing is that i CAN print the documents( via my computer), (that maybe also means that the cartridge can working normally,)  i just CAN NOT doing copy, scan neither :s

here is photo for your infomation

Please help~~


Many thanks in advance!






HP Recommended

Hey @Claudiazh1,


Thanks for getting back to me regarding this issue.


Because you are able to print from your computer it would appear that the carriage and cartridges are working properly. Due to this issue affecting copies and scans, it is likely that your HP Deskjet is experiencing a scanner failure or programming issue. Can I please have you follow the steps below to resolve this issue.



Step 1: Check Power:


Please plug your printer directly into a wall outlet for power. Power strips and surge protectors may cause HP printers to lack power and not perform properly. Once your printer has been plugged directly into the wall outlet please power your printer ON and test the Copy function. Should the issue persist, please proceed to the next step.




Step 2: Power Reset:


  1. Turn your printer ON
  2. With the printer ON disconnect the power cable from the rear of the printer
  3. Leave the power cable disconnected for 30 seconds
  4. After 30 seconds please plug your power cable back in
  5. The printer should start back up on its own
  6. Once your printer comes ON please test the Copy function again.


Should the error state persist on your printer, than there is likely a programming Firmware issue occuring within your printer. Due to the age of your unit there is no programming updates that we can run. Therefore, I would recommend that you reach out to our Technical Support queue by phone to explore hardware replacement options.


HP Technical Support can be reached at: 800-474-6836.


If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region.


HP Worldwide Contact



Please let me know if the two steps provided resolve this issue. Good luck! 🙂

I work on behalf of HP

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I had the same issue with another hp printer (deskjet f2180), the problem was not related to the scanner but is a communication error with the cartridge, mine was a compatible one. In such state the align page keeps being printed but there is no way to scan it. I had to remove and insert some times the cartridge until the red blinking led turned off, then it printed again the alignment page and the scanner come back to be functional. To easely diagnose such an issue you can simply remove the cartridge that produce the error and check that the blinking led turns off imediately, and without the cartridge inserted the scanner works normally. Hopefully this may be of help to anyone using old recycled catridges on those old printers.

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