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This is a brand new HP Officejet 5255 printer.

1. Slow Printing

My first task for the officejet was to make 100 copies of a WORD document. It took well over an hour to complete. For troubleshooting purposes, I printed one copy of the same document on both the officejet and my other printer, a Canon TS8120. The Canon printer complete one page in 10 seconds. The Officejet to 62 seconds. 

2.Unusual printing of italic text

The Officejet used an unusual font for italic text. See the word "standing" at the top of the page. In addition to the italic text, notice that the first word of each line shows the first two letters each line in both the normal Calibri font specified in the WORD document and in what looks a bit like an italic font.


Might there be some configuration option that I need to change for this type of issue?


Here are images of the documents from each printer and showing the time it took to print.


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Are you facing this issue while making a copy?

Are you facing the same issue while printing from a different application?


Use HP Print and Scan Doctor to check connectivity


Download a special version of HP Print and Scan Doctor.

  1. Download HP Print and Scan Doctor.

  2. Run HPPSdr.exe from the download location on your computer.

  3. Once HP Print and Scan Doctor opens, click Start, and then select your printer.

    • If your printer is not in the list, turn it off and on and then click Retry.

    • If there is a connection problem, follow the instructions in HP Print and Scan Doctor.

  4. If a screen prompts you to turn on printer updates, click Yes.

  5. If a screen prompts you to make your printer the default printer, click Yes.

If the issue persists, Delete the driver at the root level and Install the drivers, follow the steps below:


Remove the USB if connected


1.) In Windows, search for and open Programs and features 

2.) Select your HP Printer 

3.) Select Uninstall 

4.) In Windows, search for and open Devices and printers 

5.) In the Devices and Printers windows look for your HP printer. If you see it listed right-click on it and choose `Delete' or `Remove Device' 

6.) Open up the run command with the "Windows key + R" key combo. 

7.) Type printui.exe /s and click Ok. (Note: there is a space in between "printui.exe" and "/s") 

8.) Click on the "Drivers" tab 

9.) Look for HP Printer driver. If you see it Click on it and click Remove at the bottom 

10.) Select Ok

11.) Select Apply and Ok on the Print Server Properties windows

12.) Close Devices and Printers 


Then, Click on this link: https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-officejet-5200-all-in-one-printer-series/1409573... and install the drivers.


Keep me posted, how it goes!

If the information I've provided was helpful, give us some reinforcement by clicking the Accepted Solution and Kudos buttons, that'll help us and others see that we've got the answers!


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Have a great day!


I am an HP Employee 

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