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I have tried using my HP Envy 5000 Series printer shortly after a Windows update, only to receive the notification "Driver not available". After proceeding through all the channels of troubleshooting via the Virtual Agent, I am no nearer to being able to use my printer. I had initially followed the advice of uninstalling the driver and all relevant software etc, and seeking to reinstall an up-to-date driver (as I have done in the past), however I seem to be going round in circles as I keep being redirected back to the Virtual Agent via HP Smart, HP Print and Scan Doctor, etc. When attempting to download the driver from HP Customer Support - Software and Driver Downloads - I'm again redirected back to my HP App that tells me I need to, once again, you guessed it contact HP via the Virtual Agent. Come on HP, clearly from the amount community posts about this, you could fix this, as currently I'm not able to speak with anyone from HP about a perfectly functioning printer that you have seemingly resigned to redundancy - is this a way of forcing those of us that have already bought your products to re-purchase?  

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