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I'm getting the error 08:11 when i turn on my printer.

I turn it on, it shows the loading bar that never gets past 0%. After a short while it displays the error 08:11 and say's restart.

I have looked all over the forums and tried everything. Checked all the ribbon cables, checked the battery on the formatter. Turned on and off again.

I have also tried to get into the service menu (OK + UP when powering on) but can't seem to get into it to do a factory reset.


Does anyone have any idea's please.

Your help is greatly appreciated.



HP Recommended

That is very likely bad HDD on the mainboard.

The HDD has firmware on it, if a disk fails, the printer will not boot just like in your case. Main problem is that you can replace drive with any plain drive, you need to get a drive with the firmware already loaded on it.

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Thank you for replying. Is there anyway i can test the hard drive?



HP Recommended

You can remove the drive, connect it to the computer and run some diagnostic tests.

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Hi Valsimot,

Thank you for your suggestion. I purchased another formatter including HDD and replaced the part. Everything seemed to be working, boots up normal, etc. but then i get a 59.3:09 error now. Sorry to be a pain but do you know what and how to fix this error now please?


Thank you for you support.

HP Recommended

There is no explanation of 59. error in the service manual





Service manual for other models states that 59s are media sensor error, don't know how much can that help you.


If you swap HDD from working formater, to your old fomatter ( with bad HDD) and test how it works.



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I have tried swapping the HDD and the RAM (or what appears to be RAM) but it comes up with the same error.

I have manged to get an updated manual that says:


A combination of the Product number and/or the firmware release and/or Formatter Hardware are not compatible.

Try the following:
The Formatter or Hard Disk or Firmware is incompatible with this product. Install the correct parts or the correct firmware that corresponds to the product.


Is there anyway of updating the firmware without a PC as i can't connect to it with this error? The only ports are a Ethernet and USB type B, both female.



HP Recommended

You probably have used formatter with HDD for Z3100 but different model, very likely set up for the different size of the Z3100 (24" and 36" ) it's gonna be tricky to make them work.


Any chance you can return parts and ask for formatte for your printer and size?

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