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The Poly Phones Knowledge Base is live! We look forward to helping you with common issues and troubleshooting advice!
HP Recommended

We are looking for a contact closure device that will work with a Polycom VVX410 so that our dispatchers can utilize a headset with our radio system as well as the phone system.  For this to work, we are told that we need an off-hook sense (contact closure) so that the phone can inform the device of when it is off-hook.  This was obviously a part of older phones, but does anyone know if an external device is available that works with these VOIP Polycom VVX410 phones?  Thank you very much!


PS, I am attaching a diagram of what we are trying to accomplish.  Thanks!



HP Recommended

Hello HornIT,

welcome to the Polycom Community.

To my knowledge Polycom does not sell such device but I assume you could do something like this using something as simple as a Raspberry Pi.


The phone can send Telephonie Notification Events to a server and you could get someone to write you an app and use the Pi's Contacts.

Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Polycom Global Services

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the <a href="https://www8.hp.com/us/en/terms-of-use.html" class="udrlinesmall">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/hp.rulespage" class="udrlinesmall"> Rules of Participation</a>.