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OK, we just got a dozen of these sets in.

Have set up QoS on our network, and it looks like we'll be good to go shortly.


VVX410 phone status says:

App version

PolyDSP Vino BCM11193 Mem1 FS1



We need to be able to program a button on the phone so that any desk set can talk right through our PA system.

I'm assuming if we dedicate an extra VVX410 set just for this, we should be able to direct the audio out of its headset port into our PA? So anyone can "Page" that station, and we can feed the station audio to our PA... We have a lot of staff wandering around the facility, and noise levels are high, so we need the PA to announce "Employee X, call for you on LIne 2..." (etc)


What would be the 'best practice" method for setting this up? Some sort of Page group containing only this one station?


And where can I find the pinout for the headset output jack and/or "Aux" output jack? 


Or, anyone have experience with this thing... looks like it might be compatible (??) - although seems its cheaper just to buy another VVX410 ...








Accepted Solutions
HP Recommended

Hello rotech,

UC Software 4.1.8 is no longer a supported software. Therefor if you require support you need to be on the latest build or the one before.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Polycom Global Services

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN

View solution in original post

HP Recommended

Hello rotech,

welcome to the Polycom Community.

The term "paging" may be confusing as we, Polycom, use this to describe a PTT / Push to Talk action. This means the loudspeaker of the phone or a group of phones is enabled and whatever the paging phone sends will be played via the Phone.


There is no action via a headset port on this and the actual feature is described => here <=


The other functionality our phones support is to Auto Answer. In this scenario you could use the headset to play back anything.


The Pin out is described => here <= and Auto Answer is described => here <=


The dedicated hardware module is compatibel with both scenarios as far as I understand.

Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Polycom Global Services

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

Thanks! That clears up a couple of things. It's a pity that the headset port isn't accessible programmatically.


At this point, it's looking like our jury-rigged PA connection can be a VVX410 set sealed in a (relatively) soundproof box, with a microphone set up inside to capture the paging/PTT audio from the speaker. Probably by making that set the sole recipient of "Page Group 1"... ( I guess we would acheive that by un-subscribing all the other sets from the default page group 1 - that's possible, right?)


One other thing - what is the AUX port, exactly? Analog IN? Analog out? A digital interface?? Is there a  "Hardware" manual somewhere? I am looking at the VVX_400_410_UserGuide_UCS_4_1_4.pdf, and I cannot find any reference to AUX port in there...

HP Recommended

PS:  your link to Auto answer ( Auto Answer is described => here <= ) actually seems to link to "custom ring tones"... where can I find information about this Auto answer feature?  Is there a comprehensive "Administrator's guide" that I can download for VVX_400/410??

HP Recommended

Hello rotech,

Aux is the Expansion Module which was only introduced back in UC Software 4.1.6 or so.


The Example 2 special ring tone and action explains how you can ring and auto answer using a SIP header.

Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Polycom Global Services

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

OK, I see now what you are talking about. But a SIP header isn't what we need to use - we just want any user to be able to press a physical button on their phone, and talk through our building PA system. I



I found the link to download VVX400/410 manuals, it's http://support.polycom.com/PolycomService/support/us/support/voice/business_media_phones/vvx400_and_...

(for the benefit of anyone who stumbles on this thread via google)


... but it seems that most of the current documentation there is UCS Version 5 and up - do you recommend we update our phones from their current 4.1.8???

HP Recommended

Hello rotech,

UC Software 5.5.0 is the latest and UC Software 5.4.5 is before that.

Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Polycom Global Services

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

OK, I understand that 5.5 is the latest - but is it a recommended upgrade? (stability, bugfixes, etc) 

Or maybe even 'best practice' upgrade?? ( security patches??!!??)


Please advise, thanks!

HP Recommended

Hello rotech,

UC Software 4.1.8 is no longer a supported software. Therefor if you require support you need to be on the latest build or the one before.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Polycom Global Services

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

Thanks, Steffen!

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