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Pavilion 14-ce0505sa
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

HP Pavilion 14-ce0505sa - Core i7 - 256GB SSD - 8GB Ram

Coffee spilt on keyboard. Opened and dried out.  Ram, SSD and battery tried in a different HP Pavilion 14 and all work fine, but in original (coffee) laptop the battery won't charge and it doesn't power on, but the charge light blinks various codes. I can find docs describing what blinking Caps Lock light means, but not charge light.

Can anyone say what the blinking charge light is telling me, please? Description follows:

Power light and charging light blink in different sequences when turned on, switched off depending on battery / AC power connected. Battery fully charged in another HP:
Battery out, AC power on, press power button on:
Power light is on for 5 secs, with charge light blinking white 4 times; then power light is off for 3 secs, with charging light blinking white twice. Sequence repeats continuously.
Battery in, fully charged, AC power off, press power button on:
Power light is on for 5 secs, with charge light blinking white 3 times; then power light is off for 3 secs, with charging light blinking white twice. Sequence repeats continuously.
Battery in, fully charged, AC power on (i.e. both battery and AC power connected), press power button on:
Power light is on for 5 secs, with charge light blinking white 3 times; then power light is off for 3 secs,  charging light blinks once white, then once red/white (i.e. 2nd blink starts red but turns to white very quickly). Sequence repeats continuously.
Fully charged battery in, AC power in or out - power button held down till it turns off
charging light blinks white 5 times - repeats continuously.


HP Recommended

I took a read of the document for the blink error codes and it looks like the spilled coffee  may have damaged your notebook's motherboard. 


I suggest following the reset instructions in the HP document  below this line.  I certainly can't  make any promises, but that may resolve the issue.





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HP Recommended

Thanks, Erico.  The 'blinking lights' are the power button itself and the charging light on the side next to the power socket, not the caps lock light, so I was hoping for a similar table that shows what these blinking lights mean.

I have already tried reset as described but it made no difference. I agree the motherboard is probably damaged, but I would like to know if the blinking lights can pinpoint the problem - has HP published a table showing what blinking power and charge lights mean?


many thanks

HP Recommended

The only diagnostic error message that I am aware of for the power button LED is that consistent blinking indicates that a notebook is in standby mode or that the BIOS is corrupt.


The only power/charge state LED (on the side of the notebook) error diagnostic I am aware of are in most HP notebooks amber means charging/white means charged and solid white indicates that the power adapter is OK.


The LED flashing you are seeing are not meant to be diagnostic indications. A corrupt BIOS might possibly be the reason for the weird flashing you are seeing.


Here is a link to the support portal for your specific notebook.



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HP Recommended

Hi Erico

Thanks very much for your response. I'll look through the support portal for any further clues, but I think it'll end up being fixed / replaced on home insurance and we'll wear the hefty excess!


thanks again for your time



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