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HP Recommended

For the latest firmware (F.16A) it says "- Improves the behavior of the power button.". I wasn't expecting much and as I suspected I don't see any difference from previous firmwares. Anybody knows what they are referring to?

HP Recommended

Hi, I had the same problem. The solution is something like this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32950898301.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.17dc4c4dOxIPDo HP doesn't care about their customers and users of the ENVY X360, and probably won't. They are not interested in the fact that their equipment is poorly designed, it has basic design defects that everyone would discover after 1 hour of use. It's sad, I liked this brand and now I'm very, very disappointed. The solution is a USB fingerprint reader - After touching on the usb fingerprint reader, the pc wakes up.. The same problem is the unusability of the 400NIT display, because there are no drivers for it ... again, HP does not solve it, they don't care.


HP Recommended

I have gone through all the 9 pages of this thread which started somewhere in May 2020 and unfortunately we still don't have the solution!! I am having the same problem on my newly purchased HP Pavilion i5, 11th Gen., 2-in-1 notebook, which I got in my hand three days ago. Unfortunately, here in India HP doesn't offer return and refund policy but they offer replacement policy that is one can return the device within 7 days from purchase and get it replaced with new one but same model! 


I was wondering whether other brands will have same issue or not and surprising I encountered the below thread for Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 7390 model wherein they have the same problem!  Not sure if moderator will keep the words like "Dell", "Lenovo" etc but here is the link to that thread: https://www.dell.com/community/XPS/dell-xps-13-2in1-7390-wake-up-in-tablet-mode/td-p/7423272


let me know your views please. Has anyone checked if this feature is supported in convertible laptops of other brands?


HP Recommended

They don't have a solution for this problem. It is a manufacturing feature and HP said nothin can be done for this (HP Envy X360). No resolution issue.

HP Recommended

Solution is: buy fingerprint to usb.. I wrote this.. Other way doesn't exists. 

HP Recommended

The manufacturer doesn't have a solution unfortunately and this does affect the usability.


Given the situation. here are the options in the order of ease of use to solve this problem:


Option 1: Connect a bluetooth mouse. It works if you move the  mouse, or switch the bluetooth mouse and wakes up the screen. 


Option 2: Connect USB Wireless Mouse https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Software-and-How-To-Questions/How-to-wake-up-envy-x360-2-in-1...


Option 3:

Keep the screen timeout / turn off at 1 hour or never.  Select the Screensaver to Blank with Wait at 5 minutes and On Resume, display logon screen should be selected. 



Option 4: Mini usb Fingerprint https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Software-and-How-To-Questions/How-to-wake-up-envy-x360-2-in-1...



Option 5:  Connect power cord to wake the screen


HP Recommended

I returned mine and got a 2-in-1 Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5. Works just fine, wakes up with no problem, by tapping the screen or pressing the power button. Shame, because I liked the HP, but the Lenovo is all right.

HP Recommended

I wish I did that before my 30 day window ran out. HP could care less about their customers!

HP Recommended

I too wish I had bought the previous gen Envy X360 (2019); this has the physical button on the side of the laptop which does in fact wake the touch screen from sleep. Why on Earth would HP get rid of this in the 2020 model is bewlidering. Instead they integrate the on/off into the physical keyboard - utterly pointless and counterintuitive. What I have found is the blank screen approach works rather well, although it isn't really a proper fix. I do believe there is a chance of a more permanent fix and if I was a bit more savvy with Regedit I could alter some entries to allow the touchscreen to wake the laptop from sleep - but I am no expert and the best I could do was open up more power plans and sadly none of which help with the touch screen wake issue. I have delved into the subfolders in Regedit and there is a myriad of interesting things in there - it appears the remnants of the old physical design are still baked into the system. There is an entry for FixedButton - i believe this is the previous gen physical button (on the side of the laptop). This is, as you'd expect, inaccessible given the fact there is the absence of this phyiscal button on the newer model - shame this cannot be accessed and remapped to the on/off key. I digress. The standout culprit I believe, is this is ultimately a software issue rather than just a design flaw.  The fact you can see that the most of the HID-compliant devices and the PS/2 keyboard are all capable of waking the laptop from sleep - go into the device manager and choose the HID-compliant touch screen, go into properties then choose the tab for power management -  this may already be ticked for allowing this device to wake the computer. This is of course not the case, in reality the screen doesn't actually allow you to wake the device. This is where is gets interesting , check the details tab, and in the property drop down menu scroll to power management. You'll see the current power state - D0. Below this you'll see there are power capabilities, and low and behold the one we all want is the D3 supported. I think this is the one we need to be activated. It might not add up to much but these are clues as to what the laptop is capable of - a bios feature that would help is to allow the touch screen to be implement correctly into the power settings. I still think a software correction can help with this. HP - pull your finger out. Sort this issue out before I end up voiding the warranty and creating my own bios!

HP Recommended

I have latest Spectre 2020. All keys are on the base also. No side keys. Found this issue too. I was frustrated to this premium laptop initially.

After getting all latest update, finally found a solution. It is the fingerprint reader. Although it is flipped into tablet posture all keys on the base are disabled but seem fingerprint reader is active. 

When it goes to sleep, I touch the fingerprint area it just wakes up again, then either Windows Hello or fingerprint to sign in. 

I am happy finally got a solution. Anyone who got this issue may give it a try.


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