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Experiencing 'Printer Blocked' or 'Printer Error' message? Click here for more information.
Check some of the most frequent questions about Instant Ink: HP INSTANT INK, HP+ PLANS: INK AND TONER.

Check out our Black or Color Ink Not Printing, Other Print Quality Issues info about: Print quality and Cartridge Issues.
HP Recommended

When I try to print from my phone, my HP Laser MFP 482 DW screen turns blue with error code B3778EE9. What does this error mean?

HP Recommended

I have the same issue on an M478f

HP Recommended

Same issue also on a MFP M479fdw

HP Recommended

Bij het afdrukken vanaf de telefoon krijgen wij foutcode B3778EE9 op een blauw scherm.

De printer moet dan helemaal uitgezet worden en weer aan voordat er weer geprint kan worden. 

Echter vanaf een telefoon blijf ik deze foutmelding krijgen.

Wat is hier aan te doen?

HP Recommended

I have the same issue on the same printer. Only within the last week.

HP Recommended

Ik ben eruit.

Als eerste was er 1 toner bijna leeg of helemaal leeg.

Deze heb ik vervangen. 

Daarna kreeg ik een andere melding B8778EE4 .

Nu eerst alle apps op mijn telefoon geüpdatet. 

Ik had op mijn telefoon 2 HP print-mogelijkheden / apps.

De HP Smart met een wit icoontje en de HP Print Server-plugin met het blauw/wit icoontje. 


Bij het afdrukken via HP Smart bleef ik de foutmelding krijgen.

En via de HP Print Server-plugin ging het wel goed. 

Dus de HP Smart printer/app verwijderd en nu afdrukken via de HP Print Server-plugin.

HP Recommended


En supprimant l'application HP smart sur mon téléphone Android j'arrive de nouveau à imprimer en utilisant le driver HP

HP Recommended


Thank you for visiting our English HP Support Community. We advise you to post your question in English to insure a quick response for the Community.This can also help other users to take advantage of your post, in the case they have the same question.

Thank you for your understanding.



I work on behalf of HP
HP Recommended

Do you have an answer for us ???  

HP Recommended

I'm out.

First, 1 toner was almost empty or completely empty.

I replaced it.

After that, I got another notification B8778EE4.

Now I updated all the apps on my phone.

I had 2 HP printing/apps on my phone.

The HP Smart with a white icon and the HP Print Server plugin with the blue/white icon




When printing via HP Smart, I kept getting the error message.

And via the HP Print Server plugin, it went well.

So I removed the HP Smart printer/app and now print via the HP Print Server plugin.

The latter is going well.


There was another person who indicated to install a new driver on the phone to use HP Smart.

However, I have already removed it.

† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the <a href="https://www8.hp.com/us/en/terms-of-use.html" class="udrlinesmall">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/hp.rulespage" class="udrlinesmall"> Rules of Participation</a>.