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Note: From May 1, 2024, the HP Scan and Capture app will no longer be available (retired) in the Microsoft Store and HP will not release any further app updates. Alternatively, you can download HP Smart from the Microsoft Store. For more information on how to set up your printer using the HP Smart app, go to HP printer setup (HP Smart app).
Common problems HP Solution Center not working : Adobe Flash Player Error and Unable to scan
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HP OfficeJet Pro 8710
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

Every since I installed the HP Smart App, I can't scan to my computer from the printer. I do not want to open and o through the app every time I scan an item. the printer says computer is not enabled but there is not option to enable on HP Smart.


I did every work around I found but nothing works. I even unitnstalled HP smart and used the older HP Assistant but the Scan tab is missing form that now as well. I uninstalled the printer and reinstalled it. I disconnected and reconnected everything.


I know the marketing thought behind having to open an app that sells you ink to preform any task, but this is so inefficient! There HAS to be a way to handle this simple task, that was working perfectly before I added HP Smart....HELP!

HP Recommended

Hi @AllianceCapital ,


Welcome to the HP Support-Community.


I can perfectly understand that this must be uncomfortable.

To use the ScanToPC function, you need to use the HP printer assistant, which was designed to provide functions especially for your OfficeJet.


@AllianceCapital wrote:

I did every work around I found but nothing works. I even unitnstalled HP smart and used the older HP Assistant but the Scan tab is missing form that now as well.





At the printer assistant, you should see the options on the image above. Is that the case? If not, you can use the HP print and scan doctor. This tool helps to identify problems within the system and solves them automatically. You can download it from this hyperlink:



Let me know how it turns out!





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I don't work on behalf of HP. | HP Expert program 

HP Recommended

Hi Nils,


Thank you for your response.


I have the Print and Scan Dr and have run it a few times...and it says nothing is wrong.


I have accessed the assistant ...once I uninstalled HP Smart but the “scan” tab on the top is gone It only has “Print” and “Fax” as tab options.


What now?

HP Recommended



It seems the printer assistant is not working correctly. That is why you can't scan from your printer to your PC. You need to reinstall it.


To do so, follow these instructions:


1. On your PC, go to "Control Panel" --> "Programs" --> "Programs and Features"

2. Search for "HP OfficeJet 8710 Series - Basic Device Software" and uninstall it.

3. Now, reinstall the software by using the latest version. You can download it from here:





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I don't work on behalf of HP. | HP Expert program 

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