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I've got a Polycom Trio 8800 that has a black screen with only the 'home' and 'back' button available at the bottom of the screen. 

After a couple of minutes (about 5 minutes) the phone also reboots on it's own.


I am able to restore the factory defaults, but upgrading a firmware version via USB does not succeed. 

In fact, there doesn't seem to be any power on the USB device.


Is there a way to restore the firmware or get the phone back to life again?

The phone doesn't seem to be fully dead (yet)  


Best regards,

Rolof van den Hof


HP Recommended


How did you "Factory Reset"?

You can get some method to "Factory Reset" here:


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There's (as far as I know) only one method. 

I performed the factory reset method you've mentioned in link. (touching the four corners of the screen after the Poly logo on boot) 




HP Recommended

Hello @Rolof van den Hof ,


Welcome to the Poly Community.

It would be of interest how the Trio got into this state? How is it powered? PoE or a PoE Injector? Have you tried to reset but not have an IP connection on it aka so any potential setting on a provisioning server could cause this? Are you sure the reset locally works aka are the led's toggling through different colors on the Mute LED's?

Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
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The device is powered by PoE.

Like the title of this topic said; it started after a factory reset. The Teams account coulnd't sign in and I was stuck there so I decided to factory Reset (with mode flashing Mute buttons) 


There is no way a provisioning server has caused this state of the device.


Is there any way how I can Reprogram the device to make it start working again?


Best regards,

Rolof van den Hof





HP Recommended

Hello @Rolof van den Hof ,


I have never seen it in this state and only an RMA can fix this device.


Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
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The problem is that this device is out of warranty and an RMA is not being accepted I'm afraid... 

We bought this via local reseller that will not provide support on it.





HP Recommended

Hello @Rolof van den Hof ,


What is the device serial aka the MAC

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
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