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HP Recommended

HP Scan and Capture does offer the opportunity to make multipage scans. After scanning the first page you can scan the second (etc.) page bij clicking the Scan (+) button on the bottom right. All pages are placed together in a single pdf file after saving.

HP Recommended

This worked for me!  Thank you.

HP Recommended

You're absolutely right - multiple pages are no problem. Thanks for pointing out this solution!!

HP Recommended

I got my HP Solution Center working and here is what I did, I hope it works for you, I am running Windows 10 64bit:

  1. Download and run the Adobe Flash Uninstaller direct from Adobe here (instructions provided on this page how to fully remove Adobe Flash Player) - https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/uninstall-flash-player-windows.html#main_Download_the_Adobe_...
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Uninstall the files in the video (c:\windows\system32\macromed & c:\windows\syswow64\macromed)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuE324nIgig 
  4. Restart your computer
  5. Uninstall Internet Explorer using both methods listed here)- https://www.windowscentral.com/how-remove-internet-explorer-11-windows-10
  6. Restart your computer
  7. Uninstalled Adobe Flash embedded in Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. I have windows 10 64 bit version 1909. To determine this, go to system update history and look through your updates to see what version.


Then go to the link to down the uninstaller for your version) -http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/search.aspx?q=4577586

  1. Down the update and it will uninstall adobe flash.
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Down loaded and run the HP Print and Scan Doctor, for me it indicated issue with Windows wia scan, if you do not have an issue go to step 13. here is the link)- https://support.hp.com/us-en/help/printscandoctor
  4. Restart computer
  5. Then I updated my windows wia by following this link)- https://windowsreport.com/you-need-wia-driver/
  6. Restart your computer
  7. Uninstall HP solution Center, make sure your printer is turned off and not connected to computer
  8. Restart Computer
  9. Reinstall HP solution Center, once installed check to make sure it is working.
  10. Create a restore point in case of future issues or accidental update
  11. Here is a link to stop Adobe Flash from updating, see my comment below as flash is on my computer but not installed)- https://www.technipages.com/disable-prevent-flash-player-update-prompts

Reinstalling HP Solution Center added an older version of adobe flash on my computer and is in folder c:\windows\syswow64\macromed, do not update!!!


My HP Solution center works even though flash was not actually installed. Not sure why but I am glad I got my all in one working again. Good Luck!

HP Recommended

Accessing the scanner through hpiscnapp.exe worked for me (what with it just bypassing Solution Center), but it of course doesn't carry over my default settings because they were made and managed by Solution Center. This is unfortunate because replicating them for whatever reason makes the scanned image considerably larger in size...


I've still managed to mess around and get things to where I need them to be, but letting Solution Center die like this is pretty unacceptable to me. I've tried the software they have up on the Windows store and, frankly, it's just not as good. Not being able to adjust midtones, shadows, and gamma is a severe hindrance to what I do, and the project i'm working on is ongoing and needs consistency between images. Having a preset made was ideal, because I could hit scan in Solution Center and everything would come out precisely how I wanted. This has really been a nightmare.

HP Recommended

While HP sorts out this problem, there is a program called HP Scan and Capture available through the Microsoft Store that can be used as an interim workaround.  It does not have the same degree of functionality as the HP Solution Center, but it's something that works and is "reasonably intuitive".

HP Recommended

I'm not sure if this helps, but let me put it in perspective.  The Software that is used for Scanning doesn't work, due to reliance on Flash Player.  You are still able to print to the device, since that doesn't go through the software.  I have an HP C410 and I am able to load documents and hit the  Start Scan button on the device and it saves it to my computer.  This doesn't utilize the Software, so it works.  That being said, you lose the ability to re-order, crop, etc. prior to saving.


Just for kicks, try the HP Print and Scan Doctor.  See if it finds your printer.  Then select Fix Scanning and see if the scan bar moves.  That would mean there is still communication.

You can also go here:  Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers\HP Photosmart Prem C410 series and try scanning.


One more thing to try:  Set your system date back to 1/11/2021 and see if the HP Solution Center works.  This isn't a good workaround, but it's worth a try.


I hope one of these helps.

HP Recommended

Do you have buttons on your printer, such as setup and help?  There should be an option to print system reports, clean print heads, etc.  You just have to do it from the printer buttons.


Also, the buttons on the front of my C410 allow me to scan from there, you just don't have the benefit of the interface.

HP Recommended

Happens to me too.  I too, uninstalled and reinstalled, and it's not working. I, too, use it on a regular basis. 

HP Recommended


† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the <a href="https://www8.hp.com/us/en/terms-of-use.html" class="udrlinesmall">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/hp.rulespage" class="udrlinesmall"> Rules of Participation</a>.